Programs & Committees

Advocacy Committee: The mandate of the Advocacy Committee is to promote investment in health ICT and the capabilities and interests of the Canadian health ICT industry to government, key decision makers and opinion leaders. The objectives of this committee are to meet one-on-one with Ministers of Health (Federal and Provincial) to promote investment in health ICT; support the Minister of Health by meeting with other Ministers, government officials, decision-makers and opinion leaders to promote the eHealth agenda ; open up channels for dialogue between senior public servants, decision-makers in the broader health sector (e.g. regional CEO’s and CIO’s), opinion leaders (e.g. medical and hospital associations), and the health ICT industry.

Membership and Program Development (MPD) Committee: The mandate of the Membership and Program Development Committee of ITAC Health is to ensure the association provides increasing value to members by facilitating the involvement of ITAC Health members as vital stakeholders in the move to digital health care in Canada as well as increase their share of profitable HIT business worldwide. The objectives of this committee: to provide ITAC Health with contacts, suggestions and ideas for actively engaging members as key stakeholders and vital contributors to the move to electronic health care in Canada and Internationally; ensure that ITAC Health provides increasing value to members and is recognized as “the leading voice of the healthcare vendors in Canada” or “the national coalition of healthcare vendors in Canada”

Interoperability and Standards Committee: The mandate of the Interoperability and Standards Committee is to promote the adoption of internationally accepted standards for technology, nomenclature, data, and interoperability in healthcare. The objectives are: to present a unified industry voice and consultation vehicle for government, associations and policy makers and standard setting bodies; to assist the vendor community to become more knowledgeable about standards and interoperability issues; develop skills and knowledge exchange amongst the members; to formulate industry positions on issues, to facilitate a “level playing field” for all vendors predicated on quality assurance for the marketplace; to ensure the development of secure electronic sharing of patient information (with appropriate patient and physician consent) between vendor systems through the use of Canadian and international interoperability standards; to help members adopt internationally accepted standards to allow Canadian companies to sell abroad.